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January 20, 2011
Minutes of Board of Trustees Meeting of January 20, 2011

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:10 PM at the Library with Trustees Little, Merry, and Salerno present and Trustee Buckley presiding.  Ms. Tracy was present.  Mayor Driscoll, Trustee Yale and Trustee Shea were absent.

The Trustees welcomed Ms. Tracy to her first meeting as the new Director.

Approval of Minutes of November 18, 2010                        UNANIMOUS

Current Library Use and Financial reports were distributed including the Quarterly Report for the Eastern Bank Investment Account.

Ms. Tracy reported on the Library’s circulation figures.  November circulation was up from last year but December’s circulation was down slightly.  This slight drop was expected.  With the holidays falling on weekends and a day closed for a snowstorm the Library was open for fewer days this December than last.  Despite the actual circulation number being down, Salem’s percentage of the total December NOBLE circulation was up from last year.

Ms. Tracy reported on the donation of one thousand dollars from Mr. John J. Connolly of Texas.  The Trustees discussed the Eastern Bank investments and asked that John Doherty, Vice President, Eastern Wealth Management~be invited to the April Trustee meeting.

Ms. Tracy thanked the Trustees on behalf of the staff for their generous holiday gifts.  Homemade cupcakes and a card signed by all staff were given to the Trustees as well as several individual thank you notes.

Ms. Tracy reported the required work on the Library’s elevator had been finished.  The elevator is ready to be re-inspected which is expected to be done by the end of February.  She also reported that the bid advertisement for the two small roofs is scheduled to go out on February 1st with the site visit scheduled for February 15th and the bid opening for February 23rd.

Two very positive Salem News articles on Lorraine Jackson’s retirement were given out. Ms. Tracy shared with the Trustees a new Library Database Brochure. The brochure was designed by Courtney Davis based on Kevin Grocki’s previous work and organization of the databases. Along with being available at the Library the database brochure has been mailed to Salem schools.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM